There is much good news to report since our last Newsletter in June. And a timely reminder of why Parents In Need exists. When we invest in families who have children with additional needs we want to give them the best possible chance, however the process can be very long. We rarely see instant results. But just recently we have seen the value of our efforts and we want to share them with our supporters without whom none of this would be possible.
Take Mary for instance. Her sister applied to us for help early in 2018. The Local Authority refused to place Mary in the correct educational setting and what ensued was two years of anguish and heartache. Thanks to the persistence of Mary’s sister and the funding she received from PIN I am pleased to report that they did win their case and Mary is now happily settled in the right school with a sunny future ahead of her.

Then there is Riley and Kyle. The Local Authority tried to separate these twins and send them to two different care homes. They were adopted by theirgrandparents who were struggling to cope. After two years of fighting we had total success in keeping them together and they are now in a school where they are well suited which also offers respite to their grandparents.
There have been many other success stories recently. Here are just a few of the messages we have received:
“Today I have been told the outcome of the appeal which was last week, the LA has been ordered to issue a plan. I could not have achieved this for H without the support from Parents in Need, you went over and above helping me and I cannot thank you enough.”
“I just wanted to say thank you so much for funding this young man’s assessment. I know the family are so grateful. You really have changed a young man’s life.”
Melinda Eriksen- Specialist Paediatric Occupational Therapist
“Amazing to have an Educational Psychologist to help. It’s such a minefield… I can’t believe she’s leaving school, and we never managed to actually get the support she needed! I’ve been on the case since she was 7! Thanks again.”
“We would like to express our sincere appreciation to you for everything that you have done for Mary and our family. As parents who have a child with special needs, we are often put in the position of feeling like it’s “Us” against “Them” but you have made those feelings go away. Thanks to PIN Mary is now happily settled into her new school and we have PIN to thank for that. The generosity you have shown has gone far beyond the financial means but also one of kindness and compassion. You were there for us just when we needed support and because of this, Mary’s future is so much brighter now. Your support has been immeasurable, thank you so much for everything!”
Best Wishes from Mary and Family
“The tribunal has ordered that my son be issued an EHCP. We will be forever grateful for your support.Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”
Kerry and Dale
“We have had a super report and now a super new school. Thanks so,so,so much. It’s been life changing for my son.”
The not so good news is that we have had to heavily rely on our resources and so funds are dwindling as we continue to support the ever-increasing needs of more and more families. So far 120 since we began raising funds in 2017.
Without any fundraising activities in this unique year of 2020 we have survived but once again find ourselves asking for, however small, a donation.

Once again we would like to thank our Patron, Stephen Mangan, for naming our charity on the TV programme ‘Tipping Point’ and winning us £2,700 and thanks to Ann McManus and Eileen Gallagher for their very generous donation too. We also want to thank you, the friends of PIN who have supported us throughout and a very special thank you to those of you who have set up a monthly standing order, it makes SUCH a difference especially in these troubled times.
Catherine Bailey
Chief Exec, PIN